Letter #3 March 25, 2018


It hasn’t been a good day. With the amount of magic that I’m using, I need to fuel using otherworldly foods, and today is the first day that eating something as simple as a carrot made me violently ill. Stephen said that he hoped that this wouldn’t have happened this soon, so we need to pace things better. The cloak has been nicer to me, and has been keeping my hair out of my face as I vomit out all of my guts. Which, is weird to say, that a cloak is helping me. But, here we are.

But all of this is giving me a lot of perspective. Knowing how different, and not so different, that Stephen and I are. To put it plain, both of us are assholes. Or were assholes, until someone showed us we could be something better. Stephen says there are two people that have done that for him: Clea, his ex-wife, and Jean. I can safely say there has been only one person in my life that has showed me I could be something better. You.

I wonder what you’re doing now. Have you moved on? Are you out with someone treating you as you should be treated, as a queen? If that someone is out there, then I hope they deserve you, as I wish I did. Or are you just working, enjoying time with family and friends? Are you living a good life? Stephen wants me to ask about Jean, he worries about her. Misses her. He’s trying to keep his feelings of loneliness to himself, but I can feel it, as he can feel mine.

I let him take full control now and then, because he deserves to live out his life as I do mine. We’re working well together now, you’d be proud of me. I wonder if Jean has come around for you full time, or if it’s only a week at a time. I hope that if it’s only a week at a time, that she’s still giving you notes about everything, telling you everything that you’re missing; the good and the bad.

I don’t know what is going on in Boston, for some reason any weird news from there is gone now that I’m in other countries. But I hope you are safe, and unharmed.

I’ll write again soon. I’m finding this to be a weirdly cathartic experience.
