Letter #2: March 1, 2018


Something happened.. I’ve meant to write sooner, but something happened last month, on what would have been our ceremony date.

He came to me, and he wouldn’t leave. Stephen, that is. He showed up in February, which I thought was odd that I could remember him being so far from Boston. But once the week was through, he didn’t leave. He remained, pesky as always, lecturing me. He’s upset about what happened, he misses Jean and I can feel just how much he cares for her. To have all those memories now of all the weeks that I missed, to have the memories of all those moments that Stephen and Jean had, that you and I had, it makes me ache.

I was so foolish. I was foolish and awful, and I wonder if you’ll ever forgive me. I hope one day you will, if I ever get to see you again.

We’ve been training -- when Stephen came back, so did all his powers. So, on top of getting used to the other voice in my head, I’ve got a full set of magic powers nad a hefty price that comes with using it. He’s teaching me to use magic, knowing that it’s something we’re going to pay for later.

The first day of using things, I ended up throwing up for three hours afterwards. It takes a toll on you, and I’ve never realized just how much that could be.

I wish you could see all these amazing things that I’m seeing now though. I’m seeing the world in a new light. And I know how awful I was. But together, Stephen and I are going to be better. I am going to be better.

- Silas